Thursday, January 17, 2013

Book 4

Reading this book I found this analect very important and a great way for people to think in a better way.

4.17 The master said, “When you see someone who is worthy, concentrate upon becoming their equal; when you see someone who is unworthy, use this opportunity to look within them.

I think Confucius quoted this analect  because people judge others with or without knowing them. I find it important because I think judging people is not a good thing. The analect is saying that if you see someone who is faithful, someone that shows respect, that deserves it, or someone who is good, you should follow his steps and become equals. But if you see someone who doesn't deserve trust, effort, attention, or respect, you should place yourself in his or her shoes. I feel like society should use this analect to live a not perfect but better life. I think this because people (including myself) judge other without noticing. I am a Buddhist, so I practice his teachings, and this one is very similar, because you will always feel like judging or talking about someone. But my theory based on my believes and on this analect, is not to judge, because I'm pretty sure that most of the time we judge, is not knowing the whole story. 

I truly believe that the world would be so much better without people judging others. We don't know what's happening to them, and it's none of our business. I know it is pretty hard not to do it, but with practice, we can make it better. 

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