Thursday, May 16, 2013


The aphorism I selected is a quote by Michael Phelps. "You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get."
I found this quote in this  website
I selected this one because it was in the sports section, and I believe sports takes up to 80% of my life. Although it is a little cliché, but I can still relate to what he was trying to say. 

This quote made me think a lot of myself. I love sprots, and I have always been a very sporty person. I like to move and exercise my body. I have been in the school gymnastics team for almost 11 years. I've been always under a lot of pressure and I have thought of giving up. But as the quotes says, the more you think about it, and fight for what you want, the more you will achieve. I agree with this feeling because it is true, every time you think and be positive about something, you will do it. When I am in gymnastics in a competition and I feel like I can't do anything else, and think of giving up, I just imagine me being successful and achieving what I want, and that positive thinking and attitude gives me strength to keep on fighting. Also when I run, I think and believe I'm not tired, even thought I've been running for an hour. Like the quote says, you can't place a limit, because you can achieve practically anything you are up to achieve. I believe people just have to believe in themselves and keep giving more of them each time. I feel this should be the "motto" of life, because with this people can do whatever they want, and will be successful. I feel that this quote and that believe, have made the athlete I am now. Because I never gave up, I always kept on thinking on the great things I could be doing in the future, and what would I lose if I gave up.

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